Resource Articles

Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis - It’s really NEAT!

Did you know that little changes to your routine can help you burn more calories?  Many overweight people in the USA have "sitting disease" and would lose weight if they did more walking, standing, and moving around during the day, says endocrinologist James Levine of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Levine is talking about increasing your NEAT, or "non-exercise activity thermogenesis," which accounts for much of your movement and calorie expenditure throughout the day. These are activities such as:

Heart Health

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in most industrialized countries. Stroke is #4. Health research has identified several important factors that are linked to the development of coronary heart disease and stroke. By identifying any risk factors you may have and by taking some action to prevent developing coronary heart disease and stroke, you may be able to reduce your risk. Best Practices: It is important to know that there are some things you cannot control. The following are closely related to increased risk:

Cope Better, Stress Less

Stress is your body’s reaction to change that requires some kind of physical, mental, or emotional response. It’s a normal part of life. The Cope Better, Stress Less video provides valuable tips on how to manage stress effectively and discusses how stress protectors can help us bounce back from stress we encounter. Take The Stress Check-Up  

Diabetes Awareness and Prevention

Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot properly use or store glucose (sugar). Sugar provides the energy for the body's cells. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps sugar get into the body's cells. In diabetes, either the body does not make enough insulin, or the insulin that is made cannot be used as well as it should. This causes sugar to build up in the blood. How do you know you are at risk?