ViTAL Home Page

ViTAL, the Vanderbilt Center for Tobacco, Addiction and Lifestyle, was founded by Dr. Hilary Tindle, MD, MPH in 2014, with trans-institutional support aligning VUMC hospital operations, the VUMC Department of Medicine, the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC), and Divisions of General Internal Medicine & Public Health and Cardiology.

ViTAL Mission

The overall mission of the ViTAL Center is to eliminate tobacco-related disease in our VUMC patients, and to disseminate our research findings broadly to help eliminate tobacco-related disease globally.

About ViTAL

To ensure a comprehensive approach to tobacco research and treatment across VUMC, the Center is comprised of three domains: research, education, and clinical and quality improvement (QI). Our research focuses on clinical trials for nicotine dependence and concomitant substance use, pharmacogenetics, and epidemiology.

ViTAL Research

Dr. Tindle’s clinical research has been continually funded by the NIH since 2002. A major strength of this body of work has been the synergy of research, clinical, and quality improvement data that our team translates directly into improved patient care.