Downtime Labels

Use of Downtime Labels

  • Generic ADT Labels are to be used during planned downtime
  • The Generic ADT Labels will be used to label specimens, downtime forms, etc.
  • Patients that are admitted during downtime will receive 30 Downtime Labels to be used to label specimens and downtime forms as Generic ADT LAbels cannot be printed during downtime


  • Generic ADT Labels are to be printed for each patient prior to the start of any planned downtime as they cannot be printed during a downtime

VUMC ID and Collection Information Required during Downtime

  • The clinician who obtained the lab specimen must write their VUMC ID, date and time of collection on the Generic ADT Label or Downtime Label since bar code scanning will be unavailable during downtime.

Downtime Requisition/Order

  • A Downtime requisition/order must accompany the specimen to the lab as electronic order entry will be unavailable during downtime
  • Downtime requisitions are printed from eDocs

downtime label