Global Health - Programs


The hospital was established in 1915 as a small outpatient clinic within the grounds of Rift Valley Academy, originally named Theodora Hospital and later renamed AIC Kijabe Hospital. AIC Kijabe Hospital celebrated its hundred (100) years in May 2015 and currently has a bed capacity of 363.   AIC Kijabe Hospital is a faith-based hospital sponsored by the Africa Inland Church (AIC) Kenya. It is situated in rural Kenya, about an hour’s drive from Nairobi towards Nakuru.  The hospital has continued to experience tremendous growth and change over the years. It is the largest of the five hospitals sponsored by the Africa Inland Church.    Together with forty-five dispensaries located throughout Kenya, they form a network that glorifies God through medical ministry. The hospital’s mission is to “Glorify God through compassionate health care provision, training and spiritual ministry in Christ Jesus.”  It has nine operating theater rooms, modern ICU, Dental, and Laboratory/ Pathology units.  The AIDS Relief unit provides free outpatient HIV/AIDS care and two satellite clinics (i.e. AIC Kijabe Naivsha Medical Centre and the AIC Marira Clinic) for qualified patients. A partnership with Bethany Relief Rehabilitation International (BRRI) provides pediatric surgical and neurosurgical care through the Bethany Kids of Kijabe Hospital (BKKH) division.

Life expectancy in Kenya fell from a peak of 60 years in 1989 to 55 years in 2009, largely due to increased AIDS-related adult mortality. In 2008, leading causes of mortality per 100,000 adults aged 15-59 (pop. 20,616,000), were HIV/AIDS (327), injuries (106), cancer (52), and cardiovascular disease (42). In the pediatric population (<15 years; pop. 16,576,000) mortality per 100,000 persons was largely infectious (395), mostly relating to diarrheal illness (148), respiratory infections (122), and HIV/AIDS (109). Perinatal conditions also accounted for a significant number of pediatric deaths (220). The major causes of outpatient morbidity per 10,000 people in 2008 among all Kenyans were malaria (11.9), diseases of the respiratory system (9.7), skin diseases and wounds (2.5), diarrheal diseases (1.7), and accidents (0.8). Maternal morbidity and mortality in Kenya remained high, yet below average for sub-Saharan Africa, at 488 per 100,000 live births.  Well over half of maternal deaths stemmed from surgically preventable or treatable conditions including severe bleeding, obstructed labor, infection, complications of aborted pregnancy and hypertensive emergencies.

