Lab News

Factory Visit (cont)

Our Titan Krios has completed factory performance tests and is ready for shipment!

September 6, 2018

Factory visit

Scott Collier and Teru Nakagawa in the ThermoFisher factory clean room in Eindhoven Netherlands.

September 5, 2018

Renovation Day 10

Step 1 Complete!  The aluminum shielding has been installed on all six sides of the room and the joints welded. 

August 23, 2018


Construction/renovations have begun!

Renovations have begun in the Engineering building to accommodate our new Titan Krios with K3 camera!

August 16, 2018

Adventures at NRAMM

Mike and Borden attended the NRAMM workshop on Advanced Topics in EM Structure Determination

October 29-November 3 2017