Make a Plan! 10 Ways to Prepare for Emergencies

With all the natural and man-made disasters over the last several months, it reminds us how important it is to have a disaster plan. Thinking about possible scenarios can be overwhelming, so here are 10 planning tips to get started.

  1. Put important papers and photos in a safe place.
  2. Make extra copies of your important documents and keep them in your iCloud, on a thumb drive, or as a physical copy.
  3. Review your insurance plans and see what's covered in case of a disaster.
  4. Be sure to make a list and take photos or videos of your valuable items throughout your house.
  5. Make sure you have executed an Advanced Directive, which is a document that tells your doctor how you want to be treated if you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious.
  6. Have a safety kit ready with essential medicine, bandages, and other important medical supplies.
  7. Create an emergency contact sheet and place it on your refrigerator or somewhere that can be easily accessed. Include phone numbers, birth dates, allergies, medical issues, medications, and blood types. 
  8. Slowly start stocking up on disaster supplies such as fire extinguishers, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, first aid kits, flashlights, batteries and more.
  9. In addition, make sure to buy canned food and bottled water that will last several days for you and your family.
  10. In case you are not home during a disaster, create a family plan with instructions on where you will meet them and what to do during an emergency.

Nobody wants to imagine facing a disaster but being prepared is the best way you can protect yourself and your family. If you are finding that this triggers anxiety or that recent events have challenged your usual coping abilities, call Work/Life Connections-EAP at 615-936-1327 and make a confidential appointment to meet with one of our counselors.

Additional Resources

Red Cross: How to Prepare for Emergencies

VUMC only: VUMC Emergency Preparedness

VU only: Emergency Management