Calming Cuisines

​Uncontrolled levels of stress may be affecting your health in ways you are unaware of. Stress can have physical effects on the body, cause changes in your thoughts and feelings, and affect your behavior. Uncontrolled stress can contribute to health problems including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and more.

We all face varying levels of stress at times. There is no way to prevent all stressors. However, through nutrition and lifestyle habits that support our bodies, we can work toward taming our stress so it does not get out of hand and cause long-term damage.

Keep in mind, nutrition is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to stress management. Be sure to explore different strategies that might work for you, and include a variety of stress management measures in your daily routine. This could look like making regular physcial activity a part of your routine, practicing yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, getting a massage, spending quality time with loved ones, laughing, and making time in your schedule for yourself and your hobbies.


Calming Cuisines


Incorporate the tips from above into your diet this week and note any differences you feel in your ability to prevent and cope with stress.

Note: It's always a good idea to make an appointment with a healthcare provider (e.g. Psychologist or Psychiatrist) if your stress becomes unmanageable. Contact Work/Life Connections for support in finding a therapist.


Whole Wheat Vegetable Pasta Bake

Sweet & Spicy Honey Glazed Salmon


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