Synthetic Derivative

The Synthetic Derivative (SD) is the database containing clinical information derived from Vanderbilt’s electronic medical record. The SD is a set of records that is no longer linked to the identified medical record from which it is derived and has been altered to the point it no longer closely resembles the original record. The SD can be used as a stand-alone research resource, or can be used in conjunction with BioVU to identify record sets for genome-phenome analysis. The SD interface allows the user to search data extracted from most of the major health information databases at Vanderbilt including StarPanel and the EDW, which is a data warehouse integrating data from EPIC, Medipac and Horizon Export Orders (WIZ). The database contains records for over 2.2 million unique individuals. The search interface allows the user to input basic clinical and demographic information, such as ICD 9 codes, CPT procedure codes, medications, lab values, age and gender and returns de-identified data to the user for review and selection.

DNA samples or genotyping data may be requested after a proposal for the study is received, approved by the BioVU Review Committee and a user agreement is signed. BioVU applications, amendments and data use agreements for BioVU and the Synthetic Derivative are tracked through REDCap databases.

For more information, including how to request access to the Synthetic Derivative and documentation about the resource, please visit the secure Starbrite page here. Contact VICTR BigData at if you have any further questions.