Edward Qian, MD

Assistant Director
Quality and Education of the Medical ICU, VUMC

Fall 2021-Spring 2023

I joined the MSACI and informatics community in Fall 2021 and was a Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellow at VUMC. I grew up in Maryland where I had interests in computer science and chemistry. I got my undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Delaware - where I also competed on the varsity swim team. I then went to medical school at New York University (before it was free, still waiting on my refund) and subsequently made my way down to Nashville for Internal Medicine Residency and now fellowship at VUMC. I’ve had the opportunity to work with incredible clinicians and researchers to help advance my career. 

My interest lies in using the potential of the electronic medical record to not only improve the delivery of clinical care, but also to streamline our ability to capture important metrics and outcomes to reassess our care in the intensive care unit. I also am interested in using the electronic health record to streamline identification and enrollment of patients into important clinical trials.