DBMI Seminar This Week: Spiros Denaxas of University College of London, 12/7/22

WEDNESDAY, December 7, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 PM CT  

Event Type: DBMI Seminar
Title: "Defining and Redefining Human Disease Across the Phenome"


Spiros Denaxas, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Institute of Health Informatics
University College of London
Associate Director
British Heart Foundation Data Science Centre
Health Data Research UK

Electronic health records (EHR) are an invaluable research resource for studying the aetiology and prognosis of individual diseases. Working with EHR, however, is challenging due to their complex and messy nature. This talk will focus on the opportunities and challenges in the process of creating and evaluating EHR phenotyping algorithms and explore different ways of scaling analyses in terms of breadth and depth. 

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the characteristics of structured EHR and provide research use cases.
2. Understand methods that work across the human phenome such as phenome wide association studies (PHEWAS). 
3. Describe key concepts of phenotyping algorithm creation and evaluation. 


HYBRID FORMAT. 2525 West End Avenue, 8th Floor, Room 8110