Introduction to All of Us - course plan



Here's what to expect for the 2023 short course "Introduction to All of Us."

Day 1 (3-hour lecture and Q&A):

·       Introduction to the course and All of Us program

·       Overview of All of Us data, tools, and resources

·       Introduction to OMOP tables and data structure

·       Extracting data from All of Us using SQL

·       Constructing cohorts using cohort builder

·       Hands-on lab exercises

Day 2 (1-hour lecture, 2-hour lab):

·       Case study 1: Surveys

·       Understanding and working with survey data in All of Us

·       Hands-on lab exercises

Day 3 (1-hour lecture, 2-hour lab):

·       Case study 2: EHRs

·       Understanding and working with EHR data in All of Us

·       Hands-on lab exercises

Day 4 (1-hour lecture, 2-hour lab):

·       Case study 3: Genetic study

·       Introduction to genetic data in All of Us

·       Hands-on lab exercises

Day 5 (1-hour lecture, 2-hour lab):

·       Case study 4: Mobile health study (Fitbit)

·       Introduction to Fitbit data in All of Us

·       Hands-on lab exercises

·       Course wrap-up and Q&A


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