Integrated, Individualized, and Intelligent Prescribing (I³P) Network

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I³P Description

The Integrated, Individualized, and Intelligent Prescribing (I3P) Network will perform a multi-site test of the implementation of genomic medicine.  We are embedding genetic information within electronic medical records (EMRs) in diverse healthcare environments to show that it is not only achievable but also can alter physician behavior toward a vision of personalized medicine.


  • To develop, maintain, and disseminate genome-informed clinical decision support within Adopter Sites.
  • To select and prospectively genotype patients within Adopter Sites for subsequent genotype-tailored therapy.
  • To evaluate the impact of integrating genetic data and clinical decision support into  Adopter Site EMRs. 

I3P Sites

I3P is part of the IGNITE Network funded by NHGRI

The formation of the Implementing GeNomics In PracTicE (IGNITE) Network was driven by the need to accelerate the pace of incorporating patients’ genomic information into clinical care and to carefully evaluate implementation efforts. The goal of the program is to enhance the use of genomic medicine by supporting the development of methods for incorporating genomic information into clinical care and exploration of the methods for effective implementation, diffusion and sustainability in diverse clinical settings. 


  • Map of IGNITE sites
  • CDSKB.ORG - a resource for artifacts supporting genomic medicine clinical decision support and implementation 

Key Personnel

Josh Denny, MD, MS 
Mia Levy, MD, PhD
Josh Peterson, MD, MPH 
Jodell Jackson,PhD

Ramya Marathi, MS