For Parents

Welcome to the Vanderbilt family!  As your student transitions to college life, it is sometimes more difficult on parents, often miles away, than on the students. When your student is sick, we realize that you may be concerned about his/her ability to navigate healthcare and often this is his/her first time doing so alone. That is why Vanderbilt University Student Health offers comprehensive care.  Office visits are included in student fees (e.g., a student is seen without a copay or coinsurance). 

The Student Health Center (SHC) is staffed by physicians and nurse practitioners who have made a commitment to a career in college health.   The staff is dedicated to nurturing students and providing cost-effective care to this population. The SHC also works closely and collaborates with member departments of the Office of Dean of Students and VU Medical Center who are also dedicated to the care and well-being of your student.

It is important for the SHC to be able to create trust in its relationships with patients. In addition, the HIPAA laws require strict confidentiality between patient and health-care provider. Therefore, we are careful to require specific permission from students before we communicate with parents. We cannot always assume that a young adult may want parents involved in his or her health care decisions. For parents, this will be a change from your relationship with your child’s pediatrician, and it may take patience on your part as we seek to get your student’s explicit consent before having a conversation.