
Note: If you are looking for Release of Information to obtain copies of your medical record, please call: 615-322-2062.

Vanderbilt Medical Record Forms (VMR Forms) provides information about standards for forms that go into the medical record. It is also where new or revised medical record forms are requested.

All internal forms are required to meet the mandatory VUMC form requirements or they will not be entered into the medical record.

External forms (non-VUMC forms) used by staff may include mandated regulatory documents or forms required by 3rd party entities completed by Vanderbilt providers. These forms will also need to be submitted for review.

Vanderbilt Medical Record Forms Primary focus is to:

  • Review and analyze all document content and format to adhere to VUMC medical record standards and regulatory compliance
  • Provide accurate document types for forms
  • Assure medical record compliance in scanning and indexing standards
  • Create policy to define standards for the use and functionality of the medical record
  • Deployment of new and revised policies