Educator Community News

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Dr. Gigante Leads Feedback Workshop at Cincinnati Conference

Dr. Joseph Gigante was invited to present at the 2014 Regional Faculty and Health Care Educators Conference at Cincinnati Children's Hospital September 4th and 5th, 2014. The title of Dr. Gigante's Feedback workshop was "Tired of the Feedback Sandwich? Change your Diet with New Ways to Provide Effective and Efficient Feedback."

Dean Rodgers Announces VUSM Departure

Scott Rodgers, MD, Associate Dean for Medical Student Affairs has announced that he will be leaving VUSM on November 30th to become chair of the Department of Psychiatry at University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. 

VUSM IV Student wins SGEA 2014 Outstanding Presentation Award for UME

Anupam Kumar, a fourth year VUSM student, was selected for the Southern Group on Educational Affairs  (SGEA) 2014 Outstanding Presentation Award for Undergraduate Medical Education (UME).  His demonstration, Using a Mobile Web Application to Improve Feedback after Observed Medical Student Clinical Encounter, was peer evaluated as part of the Medical Education Scholarship Award (MESA) program during the conference and was very highly rated both for his presentation skills as well as for the content and design.

Art Dalley, PhD, to Receive Highest Honor in Human Anatomy Education!

Dr. Arthur Dalley has been selected to receive the American Association of Anatomists' "Henry Gray/Elsevier Distinguished Educator Medal."  The medal is AAA's highest education award for human anatomy education in the anatomical sciences as broadly defined-including gross anatomy, embryology, histology, and neuroanatomy-at the medical/dental, graduate, or undergraduate level of teaching.  

Dr. Wayman recipient of the 2014 Straatsma Award for Excellence in Resident Education

Laura Wayman, MD, has been awarded the prestigious Straatsma Award for Excellence in Resident Education for 2014! This award was established by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO) and carries the name and honors the achievements of Dr. Bradley Straatsma, former Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute.  The award recognizes the critical role of the Residency Program Director and honors an individual felt to be the premier program director in the nation. 

VUMS Faculty Presented at IAMSE

Cathy Pettepher, PhD, and Neil Osheroff, PhD, were members of the Program Committee for the 18 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) which was held in Nashville on June 7-10, 2014.  Presentations from VUSM faculty: "Interprofessional Education Synchronous a Synchronous Clinical Practice Simulation Across Disciplines and Across University" Mavis Schorn, PhD, CNM, FACNM, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

SGEA 2014 Award for Outstanding Poster

Former GIVME Grant Recipients Castanellos and Horn Awarded! Emily Castanellos, MD, and Leora Horn, MD, MSc, on behalf of the Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA), were selected for the 2014 Outstanding Poster by a Trainee Award.  The poster, "Improving the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Clinic Experience through a Learner-directed Intervention", was peer evaluated as part of the Medical Education Scholarship Award (MESA) program during the conference and was very highly rated both for its content and design.

Vanderbilt Represented at AAMC IQ Meeting

Read the Reporter article about The Continuity Clinic Experience AAMC Award here<<< Several VUMS faculty presented at the AAMC 2014 Integrating Quality Meeting: Improving Value through Clinical Transformation, Education and Science - June 12-13 , Chicago.

John Zic, MD, steps down as Associate Dean for Medical School Admissions

John has been a respected leader during a critical time in VUSM's history and has overseen significant developments in the VUSM admissions enterprise.  Under his leadership applications grew from 4373 in 2006, to 6656 in 2014.  Over that period he personally invited by phone nearly 2,000 applicants to join the class and hosted over 1,100 of those students over eight Second Look Weekends.