Vanderbilt Represented at AAMC IQ Meeting

Read the Reporter article about The Continuity Clinic Experience AAMC Award here<<<

Several VUMS faculty presented at the AAMC 2014 Integrating Quality Meeting: Improving Value through Clinical Transformation, Education and Science - June 12-13 , Chicago.

A session was held on the process for implementing and sustaining change using the Choosing Wisely campaign as a framework: "Partnering to Choose Wisely: A House Staff - Leadership Collaboration to Promote High Value Care"
Wade Iams, MD, Internal Medicine Residency Program
Josh Heck, MD, Radiology 

A session discussing outcomes of the Community Review Board (CRB) which provided a proven easy-to-replicate mechanism to advance community engagement in research: "The Community Review Board: Strengthening Research Capacity through Community Engagement" 
Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI, VUMS and Meharry Medical College
Yvonne Joosten, MPH, Medical Education and Administration 

VUMS was one of three institutions that presented their experiences and strategies for using team-based models to provide care management to high risk populations. This session outlined the success of  implementing a Longitudinal Continuity Clinical Experience that integrates students into clinical teams to accomplish the dual goals of both learning about the larger care-delivery system and contributing value to patient care: "Improving Care through Training in Quality and Safety, Care Management"
Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, Anesthesiology
Morgan McDonald, MD, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Heather Ridinger, MD, Internal Medicine
Jennifer Green MD, MPH, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

Click here for an overall meeting agenda>>