Publications from VUMC HEAS Personnel

Here is a list of selected infection control publications from members of the VUMC Department of Infection Prevention:

Definitions of Healthcare-Associated Influenza (2023)

Admission Testing for Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 (2023)

Barriers to Use of Povidone Nasal Decolonization (2022)

Characteristics of Units Associated with Sustained Hand Hygiene Compliance (2022)

Approaches to HCP Exemption Requests from COVID-19 Vaccination (2022)

COVID-19 Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel as a Condition of Employment (2021)

Mandatory HCP Vaccination Religious and Personal Belief Exemption Program Analysis (2021)

Impact of Mandatory Immunization Program (2021)

COVID-10 Among Healthcare Personnel - ACT-HCP Study (2021)

Reducing Inappropriate Urine Cultures (2020)

Analysis of Use of Empiric Airborne Precautions for TB Rule Out (2020)

Emerging Role of Corporate Infection Prevention Director (2019)

Risk Factors for Daptomycin and Linezolid-resistant VRE (2018)

VAE and Vent Bundle Compliance (2018)

Outpatient Venous Catheter Complications (2018)

Diarrhea Testing Algorithm to Reduce Unnecessary Testing (2018)

Use of Computerized Order Entry Alert to Decrease C. difficile Testing in Pediatric Patients (2017)

Paramyxovirus Outbreak in LTCF (2017)

Epidemiology of Group A Streptococcus in US (2016)

Healthcare-Acquired Viral Respiratory Diseases (Review, 2016)

Impact of Contaminated Urine Cultures in Acute Care (2016)

VAP Reduction Using Bundle Compliance Dashboard (2015)

Enhanced Safety Sharps Program Evaluation (2014)

Biomarkers for Sepsis w/ Attention to India (2014)

Contact Precautions Adherence Reduced with Higher Burden (2014)

VUMC Hand Hygiene Program (2013)

Antiseptic Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus (2013)

Public Reporting Of HAIs (HICPAC, 2013)

Blood Culture Contamination Reduction (2013)

Reconsidering hand hygiene monitoring (Editorial, 2012)

Blood culture collection through peripheral intravenous catheters increases the risk of specimen contamination among adult emergency department patients (2012)

Triaging patients at risk of influenza using a patient portal (2012)

An evaluation of immediate-use steam sterilization practices in adult knee and hip arthroplasty procedures (2012)

Intraoperative patient-to-healthcare-worker transmission of invasive group A streptococcal infection (2011)

Evaluating the utility of syndromic surveillance algorithms for screening to detect potentially clonal hospital infection outbreaks (2011)

Clinical impact of blood cultures contaminated with coagulase-negative staphylococci at an academic medical center (2011)

New approaches for influenza vaccination of healthcare workers (2011)

Quality improvement projects targeting health care-associated infections: comparing Virtual Collaborative and Toolkit approaches (2011)

Revised SHEA Position Paper: Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel (2010)

One-Year Surveillance of MRSA Nasal Colonization and Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Collegiate Athletes (2010)

Does the Specific Time of Day Used to Capture Ventilator Days Have an Impact on the Documented Rates of VAP? (2010)

Frequency of Detection of MRSA from Rectovaginal Swabs in Pregnant Women (2010)

Va Mason Influenza Program Editorial (2010)

PPE for Influenza-Like Illness Editorial (2010)

Vaccination as Infection Control: A Pilot Study to Determine the Impact of S. aureus on Nasal Carriage (2009)

Do Declination Statements Increase Healthcare Worker Influenza Vaccination Rates? (2009)

Mortality Rates Associated with MDR Acinetobacter baumannii Infection in Surgical Intensive Care Units (2008)

Survey of Infection Control Programs in a National Healthcare System (2007)

Attitudes of Healthcare Workers Towards Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccination (2007)

Control of NICU TB Outbreak (2007)

Epidemiology of Debrided Soft Tissue Abscesses in ED (2007)

Screening for MRSA and VRE Editorial (2007)

Pertussis and Healthcare Facilities (2006)

Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Editorial (2006)

Trial of Smallpox Vaccination Bandages (2006)

SHEA Position Paper on Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Workers (2006)

Viral Shedding After Use of Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (2005)

Allocation of a Limited Influenza Vaccine Supply (2005)

Medical and Economic Impact of a RSV Outbreak in a NICU (2005)

Influenza Vaccine Use (2004)

Blood Transfusion and Surgical Site Infections (2004)

Infectivity of Smallpox Vaccination Sites (2004)

Hepatitis A Editorial (2004)

Streptococcus pneumoniae Surveillance (2001)

VRE in Hemodialysis Patients (2001)

Vancomycin Use in Hemodialysis Patients (2000)

Nosocomial Infections in Hemodialysis Patients (2000)

Transmission of Tuberculosis in a Jail (1999)