- Presentations - VUMC managers may request an outreach presentation from a variety of topics that offer skill development as well as acquaint the faculty and staff with the services of Work/Life Connections-EAP and other Health and Wellness programs.
- Psychological First Aid - VUMC managers may request a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) intervention from Work/Life Connections-EAP, which is designed to promote an environment of safety, calm, connectedness, self-efficacy, empowerment, and hope after a critical incident.
- Support Following the Death of an Employee -Work/Life Connections-EAP counselors can assist VUMC management by meeting with individuals and/or groups; in order to provide support for the managers, faculty and staff who are dealing with the impact of this loss.
- Coaching - Work/Life Connections-EAP can also provide support and coaching for the VUMC manager.
- Work Injury and Exposures -VUMC and Vanderbilt University faculty/staff with a work injury should report the incident to their supervisor, report the event to Risk Management using the Online First Report of Injury and come to Occupational Health for evaluation.
- Wellness Commodores - A Wellness Commodore is a liaison between their VUMC work department and Health Plus and acts as a champion that works to make a positive impact on the culture of wellness.
- Walk-in Clinics- Medical attention for acute care needs.
- VUMC Leader Central- A resource for all managers providing guidance for all stages of employment from posting a new position to training and development.
- VUMC Learning & Development - Offers a variety of professional development opportunities to individuals and teams.
- VUMC New Staff Orientation- VUMC New Staff Orientation is a designed to give staff everything they need to know to get started at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Support for Managers
Healthier You Podcasts
Upcoming Events
Get in Touch with Us
Occupational Health Clinic - 615-936-0955
Health Plus - 615-343-8943
Work/Life Connections-EAP - 615-936-1327
Vanderbilt Health & Wellness - 615-936-0961