Post-Traumatic Stress Self-Assessment
Work/Life Connections
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When a person experiences, witnesses, or is confronted with an event or situation that involves actual or threatened death, serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others, he or she can experience fear, helplessness, and horror. PTSD results when effects of exposure to a traumatic event persist beyond one month following the event.
Please answer "Yes" or "No" if you have been exposed to or witnessed a traumatic event and have engaged in or experienced any of the following over the past month on a fairly consistent basis.
Attention Deficit Disorder (AD/HD or ADD) Self-Assessment
Work/Life Connections
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Alcohol Use Self-Assessment
Work/Life Connections
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According to the World Health Organization's moderate drinking guidelines, women should consume no more than one 5 ounce serving of alcohol per day, and men are to consume no more than two 5 ounce serving of alcohol per day. A 5 ounce serving of alcohol is equal to one shot of 100 proof liquor or a 12 ounce mug of beer. In addition, women should not consume more than 4 alcoholic beverages on any occasion, and men should not consume more than 5. The more a person goes over these recommended amounts of alcohol consumption, the higher his or her risk for alcohol dependence.
Online Screening
Work/Life Connections
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An online screening is not a substitute for a complete mental health evaluation. It does not result in a diagnosis. It can, however, provide an indication of whether or not a person has symptoms consistent with a particular illness.