January is known for fresh starts and setting new goals for the new year. So, it’s not surprising to learn this month is also known as "Get A Balanced Life Month." It’s a great time to start figuring out how to balance your personal and professional life by setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. While it’s easier said than done, let’s start off with a few things to consider. There are concepts like meaning, connections, and humanity but operationally, there is also productivity, change, and responsibilities.
To start, think about your priorities. In Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he refers to personal and professional priorities as “big rocks.” You may have several of these big rocks but write down three or four that are the most important to you. Some personal priorities might be exercising each day or traveling to see friends and family. Your professional goals may be working towards a promotion or submitting your work for publication. Whatever the goal, make sure you include a personal and professional item.
After you finish writing out your big rocks, write down a few things you love to do that give you meaning, joy, and fulfillment. For example, maybe you love to read but haven’t had time to sit down and do it. Write down on your list to carve out time to read. Prioritizing hobbies and activities you love to do is just as important as setting professional goals in your life.
VUMC faculty and staff members who feel they are struggling to find a healthy balance in your personal life and work life can call 615-936-1327 to schedule a confidential appointment with one of our EAP Counselors. They can help you set boundaries, understand your goals, and prioritize your self-care.