Resilient Skill Set

It would be great if everyone was born with a full repertoire of traits and skills for resilience. Since we are not, it is reassuring to know that with practice and training we can learn the behaviors, attitudes and skills necessary to increase our ability to spring back from challenges. There are four skill sets that are particularity helpful in developing resilience:

  • Learning to get your message across is an important skill. Good communication is essential to emotional resilience because it removes barriers to understanding external and internal conflicts, and it breeds positive emotions instead of negative ones. Assertive communication is also a skill worth learning because it helps you to communicate your needs and wants more effectively.

    Resource Article - Email Stress Can Create a Mess

  • Resilient people engage in accurate, flexible thinking. It involves gaining a perspective that what you are facing is not insurmountable. This allows you to move forward and look for the solution. Resilient people believe that they are in control of some aspects of the situation and can facilitate a more positive outcome. They view mistakes as opportunities for learning, and embrace change as an opportunity for growth.

    Problem Solving Techniques for Stress Management 
    Problem Solving Orientation for Resilience

  • Emotional Intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Becoming aware of how you react when you face stress helps you gain better control over your reactions. In addition, being able to read how others may be feeling can help you be more attentive and responsive to their needs.

    5 Key Skills for Raising Emotional Intelligence 
    Can You Read People's Emotions?