Off-site VMG Clinic Immunization Policy

Main Campus and One Hundred Oaks

  • TB skin tests may be given and read in your department by a physician, advance practice nurse, or a designated person who has been through Occupational Health's TB training class.
  • Through Occupational Health's Peer Vaccination Program, designated health care providers can administer flu shots to coworkers.
  • All other immunizations must be performed by Occupational Health Clinic staff.
  • Occupational Health nurses make regular visits around campus for added convenience.

Off-site clinics (other than at One Hundred Oaks or Main VUMC campus)

  • TB skin tests may be given and read by a physician, advance practice nurse, or designated person who has been through Occupational Health's TB training class.
  • MMR vaccine: The clinic manager may designate a licensed healthcare provider from among the clinic staff to administer MMR vaccine, if the employee presents as due or overdue MMR vaccine service from their Health and Wellness Information Portal.
  • Influenza vaccine: The clinic manager may designate a licensed healthcare provider from among the clinic staff to administer one annual dose of influenza vaccine. All influenza vaccinations must be given in adherence to the Influenza Peer Vaccination Program including alternate documentation process.
  • Varicella vaccine: If employee receives a non-immune letter from Occupational Health, the clinic manager may designate a licensed healthcare provider from among the clinic staff to administer two doses of varicella vaccine, 4 to 8 weeks apart. Reimbursement is provided upon completion of the vaccine series.
  • Hepatitis B vaccine: If an employee has begun the hepatitis B vaccine series, the clinic manager may designate a licensed healthcare provider from among the clinic staff to administer doses to complete the series. Reimbursement is provided upon completion of the vaccine series. The Occupational Health Clinic will advise new employees about whether the hepatitis B vaccine is appropriate for their job duties, record any declinations of vaccine, and perform all hepatitis B immunity testing, lab result interpretation and individualized care planning. Lab testing on employees requires special billing procedures and additional precautions to protect the employee's privacy.

Clinics wishing to administer employee TSTs, hepatitis B, Varicella and MMR vaccinations under this policy must use Occupational Health's online documentation form. Clinics wishing to administer flu shots through the Influenza Peer Vaccination Program should use the influenza documentation form.

The off-site clinic will be reimbursed for vaccinations and PPD at cost, not to exceed the Occupational Health Clinic's cost, through a monthly journal entry. For reimbursement of PPD, OHC must receive documentation of the TB skin test result.

New Staff Orientation:
All new hires should attend It's Who We Are at the Medical Center and participate in the health screening provided there. Initial screening, review of medical records and immunization histories, and appropriate lab testing is to be conducted by Occupational Health staff and not by the off-site clinic.

Laboratory Testing:
Collection of blood specimens must be done by Occupational Health Clinic (OHC) to ensure proper billing, test ordering, and result interpretation. OHC provides services including blood collection in Williamson County Clinics on a regular basis.