Vanderbilt Occupational Health Clinic values your privacy and we are committed to protecting your personal information. Occupational Health will not disclose information except as required by law or when there is a threat to the health and safety of patients, students, customers or co-workers.
Medical Care
When you receive medical care from Occupational Health, including in Faculty/Staff Express Care, your health information is maintained and protected in accordance with the Vanderbilt Medical Center privacy policies. You may order that specific information be shared with another provider by requesting records from Vanderbilt Medical Information Services. You can also view your own medical records by signing up for My Health at Vanderbilt. Current employees may view and print their own immunization records through the Health and Wellness Information Portal.
Special Work-Related Tests and Exams
Certain lab tests such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C antibody tests are stored in a sequestered database within the Vanderbilt electronic medical record. Only Occupational Health staff can see these results. Some work-related exams, such as required physicals and hearing tests, are also sequestered and only visible to Occupational Health staff members. For patient safety and continuity of care, other routine labs, evaluations, medications, allergies, Xrays and immunizations are part of the regular electronic record and are protected in accordance with Medical Center privacy policies. The problem list is used to convey information about specific occupational risks, to allow accurate diagnosis in the event of an occupational illness (e.g. "sheep handler at risk for Q fever").
Compliance Status
Occupational Health may share your compliance status with Vanderbilt occupational requirements; however we will not disclose protected health information. Information about compliance which is shared with supervisors indicates whether policy requirements have been met, not any medical condition. Influenza vaccination received at work, or which you report to us, may be shared with your supervisor. We do not share information that would allow others to deduce a test result or medical condition, e.g. we do not share the date of the latest TB skin test because that would allow supervisors to deduce which staff members had prior positive tests. All OHC compliance reports have been reviewed by the Privacy Office and the Office of General Counsel, and are compliant with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA.)
Drug Screens
Individuals obtaining drug screens under the Work/Life Connections-EAP monitoring program, are checked into the appointment system using an alias. All occupational drug tests are sent under Chain of Custody, with only an employee ID and test number as identifiers, via courier to an external lab certified by DHHS for occupational drug testing. Results are stored under a double lock and key system accessible only to the Medical Director and assistant. Work-related drug screen results are shared with the designated employer representative.
Blood Borne Pathogens
Healthcare workers with HIV, chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C are evaluated for work safety by confidential review, facilitated by the Occupational Health Medical Director. This review may include collection of Vanderbilt and external medical records. These records are stored under a double lock and key system accessible only to the Medical Director and assistant. An expert panel reviews each case with all identifiers removed, and determines whether additional safety practices, monitoring or job reassignment is indicated. No identifying information is shared without the employee's knowledge and consent.