May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Good mental health means that we can find joy and positively deal with life's inevitable challenges. It is a time to assess the balance we have in our lives, despite today's dramatic and unexpected stressors. This year has brought so much more than the "normal stresses of life." Paying attention to our positive emotional well-being is more important now than ever.

Dementia and the Healthy Brain

As our population ages, it is now estimated that for the US and other industrialized nations, the number of individuals diagnosed with neurocognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, will continue to increase. The CDC noted that, in 2017, complications from Alzheimer's was the sixth leading cause of death for individuals in the United States who are 65 and older. Worldwide, the incidence of dementia is thought to be on the increase, with researchers estimating that the diagnosis of Dementia will triple by 2050.