Alternative Site - ISC: Global Health

General Information 

Guyana - Jonathan Gelber - GPHC.jpg

In addition to our core sites, students who are familiar with another site that offers a rotation and global experience that better meets their career interests and goals can apply for an “Alternative Site." This option of the ISC is student-derived and student-driven. As such, students design course objectives, create a learning plan, and coordinate their site placement and supervisor. Students wishing to participate in this ISC will use this information to complete a customized syllabus (found in the ISC Application - see link on main ISC page). All students should meet with Elizabeth Rose to discuss their ISC, using a draft of the syllabus as a guide for the meeting.

Available Blocks

Students can participate in an Alternative Site ISC during any month. 

Recommended locations with VIGH partners

  • Guyana (Georgetown Public Hospital) 
  • South Africa (University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

Recommended sites with non-VIGH partners

Programs with medical Spanish language training (for students with beginner or intermediate level Spanish). Since the ISC is a clinical course, please check with the program to ensure that there will be adequate clinical exposure during the block.