Mobile device management (MDM) - FAQs






See this Knowledge Article with helpful information about mobile device management.

Enrollment and application FAQ

Who needs to enroll?

All VUMC employees who wish to utilize VUMC email from their personal device or a VUMC-owned device will be required to enroll by February 1, 2020.

What happens if I don't enroll in WorkSpace ONE?

If you are currently using VUMC email via Microsoft Office Exchange from your personal device, you can opt to use the Outlook Web Application (OWA) instead of enrolling in mobile device management.

What happens when the WorkSpace ONE application becomes activated on my device?

When you download the WorkSpace ONE application to your personal device it creates a container on the device, encrypts it, installs a VUMC email configuration, and requires a passcode to access the device.

what happens mdm

Will VUMC use the WorkSpace ONE application to access my personal data?
No. Personal data and information are not captured or monitored through WorkSpace ONE personal devices. 

VUMC's purpose in implementing a mobile device management solution is to protect the Medical Center’s data and prevent access to VUMC applications by unauthorized users.

Will WorkSpace One be used to erase applications or personal data on my device?
No. WorkSpace ONE will only be used for applications and data made available by VUMC. If your device becomes lost or stolen, the Medical Center can remotely wipe VUMC profile data (only) from the device.

Device FAQ

Will swapping out the SIM card in my phone affect the WorkSpace ONE application?

Changing the SIM card in your phone will not affect the application.

How many devices can I enroll?
Currently, we have no limit on the number of devices that can be enrolled per user.

Will mobile device management be used to track my device’s location?

Will mobile device management slow down my device or drain the battery?
No. The impact on your device’s performance and battery life from the WorkSpace ONE application should be minimal.

Will I have to pay extra data charges if I have WorkSpace ONE installed on my device?
If you use your mobile phone, standard data charges will apply as with any mobile device use. If you download VUMC applications and data while on the VUMC Employee wireless network, there will be no data charges.

What happens if I lose my phone?
If you lose your phone, report it to the Help Desk immediately so they can begin the process of removing access to VUMC data.

Mobile device management and your email application 

Why am I seeing a new calendar and set of contacts on my device?
With iOS devices, you will need to remove your current email account before enrolling in WorkSpace ONE. For iOS devices an email profile for the native iOS client will automatically be installed upon installation.

What is Boxer?

Boxer is WorkSpace ONE's email client and the preferred email platform to use through mobile device management.

If you elect to use Boxer for your email inbox and already have VUMC email configured on your device, you will see your email, calendar, and contacts sync twice. By removing the existing configuration first, or by choosing not to use Boxer, you will prevent additional data usage and battery drain caused by e-mail, calendar and contacts syncing twice.

Other mobile device management FAQ

What happens if I leave VUMC?

If you leave the Medical Center, the WorkSpace ONE container and all VUMC data and resources within it, will be removed from your personal device as part of your off-boarding process. The personal data on your device will not be impacted.

What if I decide I no longer want mobile device management on my device?
As the owner of the device, you can remove the application anytime you wish. The control is completely yours.

Mobile device management Uninstall Instructions for iOS

Mobile device management Uninstall Instructions for Android

Enrollment Tips

Apple users should remove existing VUMC Exchange email configurations before attempting to install the WorkSpace ONE application. This will provide an easier enrollment experience.

Android users should encrypt their devices before installing the WorkSpace ONE application. This will provide an easier enrollment experience.

The WorkSpace ONE application is not configured for Windows Surface tablets or for MAC laptops at this time.

Boxer email is the supported email client for mobile device management at this time.