
Early detection

There are several factors that influence the course and the outcome of a psychotic disorder.
Early recognition and intervention can:

  1. Reduce the length of untreated psychosis thereby reducing the severity of the illness in the long run
  2. Reduce the likelihood of suicide
  3. Reduce the likelihood of developing an addiction
  4. Reduce the likelihood of becoming homeless
  5. Reduce the level of distress on patient and family
  6. Offer hope to individuals and their families who are often bewildered and frightened by psychosis

We offer a comprehensive assessment by experts in psychotic disorders, including clinical evaluation, acute inpatient care, psychological assessment, as well as a full medical work-up for early psychosis.

Below are various levels of care offered within the Early Psychosis Program.

  • In the inpatient setting, we provide emotional support during a crisis. We foster engagement and therapeutic alliance, since these are crucial for successful recovery. Our patients are encouraged to attend daily group therapy, targeting the development of coping skills.

  • After stabilization, we offer continuation of treatment in the Partial Hospitalization Program. The program includes intensive group psychotherapy, guided towards improving skills to cope with emotional challenges and reintegration in the family and social environment. Our patients are also evaluated twice per week by a psychiatrist for medication management.

  • Mental health care continues in our First Episode Psychosis Clinic. Treatment is tailored for each individual, aiming for optimal treatment combinations. Follow-up care after discharge includes medication management, psychotherapy with emphasis in cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoeducation and family support.

  • Navigate is a specialty team that works with individuals (18-30 years old) living in the Nashville metropolitan area who have experienced their first hospitalization or episode of psychosis within the last two years.

    The goal of the program is to improve outcomes by reducing distress of the individual and their family, to provide support from both professionals and peers, and to maximize the individual's potential. The multidisciplinary team includes physicians, therapists, a Supported Employment and Education Specialist (SEES), a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist, psychologists, and a social worker. Individuals can choose what services and supports work best for their recovery.

    Services offered are medication management, individual therapy, recovery-oriented group therapy, peer support services, education/employment assessments and support, case management services, ongoing family support and psychoeducation, as well as family therapy. Individuals usually use these extra supports for about two years.

    • Supported Employment and Education Specialist: provides individualized employment and educational support to patients in the outpatient setting. Through a comprehensive career assessment, the SEES gathers pertinent information concerning previous employment and educational histories, as well as any short-term future ambitions. With this information the SEES and the patient work together to determine next steps toward accomplishing these goals. In addition, the SEES forms partnerships with hiring managers in the community to facilitate a successful connection between employer and patient. The SEES can assist in facilitating conversations about disclosure, accommodations, hospitalization, or other challenging topics a patient may need to engage in with a supervisor or professor.

    For further information contact Kelly Vance, MA, NCC,