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Number Of Uninsured Children Returning To Pre-Pandemic Levels

The most recent analysis of the Vanderbilt Child Health Poll by researchers in the Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy shows that insurance coverage for Tennessee children is beginning to rebound after a sharp increase in the rate of uninsured children in 2020.  

Poll: 46% of Tennessee parents say they have vaccinated their children against COVID-19

A recent poll from Vanderbilt University Medical Center showed that almost half of Tennessee parents had vaccinated their children against COVID-19. A poll of roughly 1,000 Tennessee parents reported that 46% of parents with children aged 12 to 17 reported their child had been vaccinated for COVID-19, and another 14% said they “were likely to get their child vaccinated in the next few months.”

51% of parents in West Tennessee report that they struggle with food insecurity

An annual study conducted by the Vanderbilt Center for Child Health revealed that based on U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Standards, 51% of West Tennessee parents struggle with food insecurity, or a lack of access to enough food to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Vanderbilt policy center finds food insecurity persists in Tennessee’s children The Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy released its annual survey on child health in Tennessee and found one in three families experienced food insecurity in 2021, with nearly half of families receiving support from a food assistance program.