Procuring Animals from Non-Approved Vendors

Animal Procurement 

An active IACUC-approved protocol is required to procure animals. Animals are typically ordered from an approved vendor. For information on ordering animals from an approved vendor, please visit Animal Procurement.  Information on procuring animals from non-approved vendors and/or transferring animals from a non-Commercial Vendor (e.g., another research institution), can be found below.

Have a question about a non-approved vendor order or animal transfer that you have already placed?  Please email

Procuring Animals from a Non-Approved Vendor​ or Non-Commercial Vendor

Animals may be procured from a variety of other sources (i.e., other universities, research institutions, etc.). Incoming shipments from non-approved vendors have more stringent requirements than an order from an approved vendor. 


Please note that animals received from a non-approved vendor will undergo an approximately three (3) week quarantine period before they will be able to enter into Vanderbilt's colonies. Regular per diem rates apply during the quarantine period.  Per Diem rates are listed on the DAC Rates webpage

Below are the steps a PI must complete to procure animals from a non-approved vendor:

1. Submit an Animal Use Protocol to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for approval.  NOTE: Animals must be assigned to an active IACUC-approved protocol before procurement and/or transfer process can begin.

2. Log into ARIES,  Select "My Protocols" and select "STAMP" to access the Shipments Tracking Animal Management Program (STAMP). 

     Please contact for assistance. 

3. Contact the Center for Technology Transfer (615-343-2430, to determine if Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is required. 

Once the above process is complete, the DAC Program Manager for Shipments requests necessary health reports (one year of health history with the newest report being no older than four months) from non-commercial vendor. It can take several weeks to gather all the required documents. The DAC Veterinarian reviews and approves the health history, and DAC coordinates the shipment into the Quarantine Facility. 

Please read Relocation Procedures from Non-Commercial Vendors for more detailed information. 

Additional information on colony health monitoring is available here.


For cost estimates & procedural questions,
please contact:
For animal health questions,
please contact:
Tressa Flores, LVT
AA6206 Medical Center North
1161 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232-2130
Phone: 615-322-7237
Fax: 615-343-7682
Kate Shuster, DVM, DACLAM
AA6206 Medical Center North
1161 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232-2130
Phone: 615-343-1562
Fax: 615-343-7682