Patient Care

The faculty and staff of the Department of Thoracic Surgery provide care for a broad range of diseases affecting the chest (thorax) and its contents. These include operations for diseases of the esophagus, lung, and other thoracic disorders. Lung transplantation and operations for lung failure are also performed.

Vanderbilt University Medical is a comprehensive health care facility dedicated to patient care, research, and the education of health care professionals. The Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center is a NIH/NCI designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. Its reputation for excellence in these and other areas has made Vanderbilt a major patient referral center for the Southeast and Mid-South regions of the United States.

Each year, over 350,000 people choose Vanderbilt for their health care needs not only because of its excellence in medical science, but also because our faculty and staff are dedicated to making patients, and their families, as comfortable as possible. Our mission- responding to today's and tomorrow's health care needs in a warm and caring environment- is carried out on a campus which continues to experience tremendous physical growth and improvements in its capacity to provide patient care.


Thoracic Surgery Clinic
(615) 322-0064
New Patient Appointments and Consultations
(866) 372-4378 Toll-Free for Out-of-State patients
(615) 936-7003 Fax