Vanderbilt TB Center News

TB Center welcomes 1st Cohort of RePORT-Brazil Advanced Career Training (ReACT) Fellows

The Regional Prospective Observational Research in Tuberculosis - Brazil (RePORT-Brazil) network is pleased to announce its 1st Cohort of Fellows for the RePORT-Brazil Advanced Career Training (ReACT) program. Strategic Aim 3 of the recently renewed RePORT-Brazil Phase 2 grant (NIH U01AI172064-01), focuses on the development of a fellowship program for the advancement of early-career Brazilian scientists. The program provides funding for pilot projects in TB research, mentorship, and access to data and specimens collected throughout Phase 1 of the project.

Successful Semi Annual Meeting of RePORT-Brazil

The Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT) - Brazil Semi Annual Meeting was held October 17th through October 21st in Salvador, Bahia. Investigators and staff from throughout the network participated in a variety of workshops, presentations, and collaborative planning sessions, both in-person and from remote locations. 

VUMC investigators attend RePORT-International Annual Meeting

VUMC investigators and staff, Timothy Sterling, Yuri van der Heijden, Stephany Duda, Marina Figueiredo, Fernanda Mauri, Megan Turner, and Austin Katona; attended the annual RePORT International meeting that was held in Cape Town, South Africa, September 7 and 8, 2022. The meeting included all seven regions of RePORT: Brazil, China, South Africa, South Korea, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It was a successful meeting full of presentations and collaborative discussions.

Bruno Andrade, MD, PhD, visits from Salvador, Brazil

Bruno Andrade, MD, PhD, visited VUMC November 9-10, 2016 to present ID Grand Rounds and meet with various faculty members about ongoing research projects. Dr. Andrade is a site-PI for the RePORT-Brazil network (Regional Prospective Observational Research in Tuberculosis), which is led by Dr. Tim Sterling at VUMC and Dr. Valeria Rolla at FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Andrade is an Associate Researcher at Instituto Brasileiro para Investigacao da Tuberculose and a Professor of Pathology at Faculdade de Technologia e Ciencias, both in Salvador, Brazil.