Hani Chanbour, MD

Postdoctoral Fellow,
Neurological Surgery
Delivery Address
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
4101B VAV, 21st Ave

Born and raised in Tripoli, Lebanon, Hani has completed his MD from the Lebanese University in Beirut. Driven by his passion for neurosurgery, he had multiple clinical rotation that started at Coubert Hospital in Paris-France, with one month of clinical rotation in neurovascular surgery and endovascular neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.

Hani has a keen interest in neurosurgery research, especially in this modern era of technological advancements in brain and spine surgery, aiming to improve patients' functional outcome and quality of life. He started as a research volunteer in neurosurgery at the American University of Beirut Medical Center during his Med4 year, and his growing interest in spine surgery has brought him to Vanderbilt Spine Outcomes Lab in Nashville-Tennessee, to start his postdoctoral research fellowship with an outstanding mentor, Dr. Scott Zuckerman.

Hani speaks 4 languages including Arabic, French, English, and German. He enjoys playing and watching basketball, with hiking and camping being his favorite getaways.