Opioid Treatment Program Helps Keep Families Together

It works like this in Kentucky: Someone reports a parent to Child Protective Services if they suspect the adult has an addiction problem and children aren't being taken care of. If there's evidence to support the claim, the parent then has a choice — they can go through the standard CPS process, or enroll in START.

Both options have the parent meet with a social worker, and include weekly drug screenings and daily drug treatment, as well as regular attendance at meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. But START also assigns a mentor to families; the parent has to meet with the mentor once a week. The mentor also drives the parent to and from some appointments and helps them get other services they may need.

Read more here: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/03/28/595567842/opioid-treatment-program-helps-keep-families-together