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National Council of Dementia Minds is Proud to Introduce a Webinar Series

by Doctors with Dementia

Introducing Doctors with Dementia

Welcome to “Doctors with Dementia: Flipping the Script.” We are a dedicated group of retired physicians living with various types of dementia. We invite you to join us for a series of webinars in which we will share our perspectives as educators and advocates. Our goal is to change the way we approach dementia care. Please join us to enhance your understanding of cognitive impairment, improve communication and care skills, and be a part of a collaborative and compassionate approach to supporting persons living with dementia. 

Who Should Attend Our Webinars?

Our webinars are relevant and beneficial for a wide range of attendees, including current and future healthcare professionals, faculty of medical schools and allied health professions, persons living with dementia, care partners, family members, friends, service providers and insurance companies.

Dates, Time, and Registration

Webinars will be held every Thursday from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST (12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT) beginning October 19 through November 16.  We encourage you to attend the entire series, but you are welcome to attend only one or more.




Webinar 1: Prescription for Change – October 19

Walk with us on a deeply personal journey as we confront the challenges we faced in obtaining a dementia diagnosis. Together, we address the view of a dementia as a death sentence and the stigma associated with dementia within the healthcare profession. We seek to change how medical professionals perceive and treat individuals living with dementia. Learn about the vital role of self-advocacy and the power of support systems in navigating this journey. Let’s cultivate hope and resilience together.

Webinar 2: Discussions with Your Doctor – October 26

Allow us to guide you through effective communication strategies when discussing changes and seeking a diagnosis with your healthcare provider. We share insights and practical advice based on our own experiences living with dementia. Discover how you can be prepared, engage your doctor, and ensure your voice is heard. Additionally, we will explore the crucial role of family members and care partners in supporting individuals with dementia throughout the healthcare process.

Webinar 3: Benefits of an Early Diagnosis – November 2

Let us challenge the prevailing notion that a dementia diagnosis signifies only the end. Through real-life examples and testimonials, we will share the myriad benefits of an early diagnosis. Improved quality of life, preserved relationships, financial well-being, and employer support are just some of the transformative outcomes we have witnessed. Join us in embracing the possibilities beyond diagnosis and envisioning a future filled with hope.

Webinar 4: How to Deliver a Dementia Diagnosis – November 9

As doctors living with dementia, we intimately understand the impact of a diagnosis on individuals and their loved ones. In this session, we will candidly share our experiences and insights on delivering a dementia diagnosis with compassion, information, and resources. Together, let's foster a supportive and empowering environment where hope can thrive, and individuals can navigate their journey with dignity and confidence.

Webinar 5: Characterizing Adult Neurocognitive Diseases and Adapting Care to Enhance Quality of Life – November 16

Drawing from our own experiences, we will delve into the underlying biological basis of major adult neurocognitive diseases. By sharing our personal stories and strategies, we aim to inspire support professionals and individuals with dementia to optimize their independence, happiness, and overall well-being.












Families often see changes in aging loved ones during holiday visits. To help you navigate questions that may arise during the holidays, AgeWell Middle Tennessee, a local non-profit, is offering complimentary 30-minute phone consultations through the Eldercare Coach program now through the end of February. These confidential calls with a geriatric care professional provide individualized guidance on care and support options. Caregivers can learn more and sign up for a consultation at www.eldercarecoach.org or by calling AgeWell’s Helpline at (615) 353-4235.


AgeWell invites you to participate in a lunchtime webinar on December 10, 2021 to learn when to be concerned about memory loss and other cognitive changes in an older loved one. Learn how to recognize when your loved one may need an evaluation for Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, what’s involved in the screening process and what community resources and services are available. Webinar panelists include Dr. James Powers, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and Cheryl Blanchard, Alzheimer’s Tennessee. To register for this informative webinar visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pMo7v--fTEK8arn1hJw1ag


Employers interested in supporting employee caregivers and creating caregiver-friendly workplaces are invited to contact Nola Hastings at nhastings@agewelltn.org to learn how the Eldercare Coach program can help.

