
Active Funding

SLO3 K Channel: A Novel Target for Contraception


Denton (Co-PI)

09/13/2017 – 08/31/2018

Develop novel contraceptives targeting sperm-specific SLO3 potassium channels 

Development of small-molecule mosquitocides for controlling the primary vector of Zika virus, Aedes aegypti

1R21AI128418  NIAID        

Denton (Co-PI)               

07/1/17- 6/30-19

Develop mosquito insecticides targeting Kir channels 

Drug discovery contract with Ono Pharmaceuticals

Denton (PI)  

10/15 – 9/19

Development of novel modulators of potassium channels

Previous Funding

Molecular pharmacology and physiology of kidney potassium transport

2R01DK082884-06 NIH/NIDDK (Competitive renewal)

12/10 - 11/15

Development of small-molecule Kir4.2 modulators for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

Vanderbilt Diabetes and Research Training Center Pilot & Feasibility Grant (PI)

3/1/2014 – 2/28/2016

The goal of this Pilot and Feasibility grant is to develop and implement a high-throughput screening assay for the putative type II diabetes target Kir4.2.

High-Throughput discovery of chemicals that induce kidney failure in the Malarial vector Anopheles gambiae

GRT00024873 (Denton-Site PI)         


Foundation for the NIH/Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation               

The goal of this project is to employ high-throughput screening and medicinal chemistry to develop novel insecticides targeting malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

Chemical probes of the astroglial potassium channel Kir4.1

5R21 NS073097-01S1 (PI)                



The goal of this grant is to develop a high-throughput assay with which to screen for small-molecule modulators of the inward rectifying potassium channel Kir4.1.

Integrative membrane physiology in the post-genome era

R13 GM103172-01 (PI)


Conference grant to support the 66th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Society of General Physiologists, for which I was an organizer.

Molecular and cellular mechanisms of Kir1.1 K+ channel dysfunction in antenatal Bartter syndrome

American Heart Association Southeast Affiliate Beginning Grant-In-Aid (PI)            


High throughput discovery of novel modulators of ROMK K+ channel activity

R21 NS057041-01 (PI)                                                                            


The goal of this project was to develop a high throughput-compatible assay of ROMK K+ channel function for high-throughput library screening.