Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program

The Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program is one of only eight Vaccine Treatment and Evaluation Units (VTEUs) in the U.S. to receive a new contract to continue evaluating innovative vaccines for malaria, pandemic flu, and other infections including TB over the next seven years. The unit may work on phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials to evaluate vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics for safety and effectiveness in a domestic or international setting. VTEUs are on the forefront of research in fighting and preventing infectious diseases.

Buddy Creech [Email]
Pediatric Infectious Disease

Nashville, TN

Contacts N/A
Program Type


Funding Type



North America

Global Health Topics

Infectious Diseases, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Vaccines

    Program Length

    Flexible, depending on the individual's interests and needs

    VU Affiliation

    The program is affiliated with Vanderbilt. 


    The program does not have a language requirement.