Rian Djita, M.Ed.

Rian Djita is a Fulbright student from Indonesia (2018-2020) pursuing his master's degree at Peabody College of Education and Human Development (Vanderbilt University) by majoring in International Education Policy and Management. Outside of education policy, Rian’s interests include program evaluation and improving access to health care, particularly in difficult contexts, leading him to pursue the Graduate Certificate in Global Health Global Health Certificate through the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH). During his time at Vanderbilt, he worked as a Research Assistant at Peabody on the Policies for Action research project with Professor Carolyn Heinrich that aims to address the health and education needs of vulnerable children in Tennessee. In spring 2020, he received a research fellowship from Columbia University’s Center for Public Research and Leadership to research schools with students from low-income households. He plans to pursue a Ph.D. upon graduation in International Education Policy / Comparative Education.