Kelly Dooley, MD, PhD, MPH

Professor and Addison B. Scoville, Jr., Chair in Medicine
Director, Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Medicine

Topics: Clinical Pharmacology, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB)

Country: South Africa

Dr. Dooley is Professor and the Addison B. Scoville, Jr., Chair in Medicine and the Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She is a clinical pharmacologist and infectious diseases physician.  She earned her MD from Duke University, MPH from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and PhD at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and completed her clinical pharmacology and infectious diseases fellowships at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her research focuses on tuberculosis (TB) therapeutics. She is a lead investigator for trials of therapeutics for drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB, TB-HIV, and pediatric TB meningitis. She is the Chair of the TB Transformative Science Group of the ACTG and chair of CDC's Tuberculosis Trials Consortium's CRUSH-TB trial. She serves as a consultant to World Health Organization on TB therapeutics and pharmacology.  She has a special interest in ensuring that novel therapeutics for TB are available to all, including priority populations such as children, people with HIV, and pregnant women.

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