Perioperative Mortality Rates in Africa; Anesthesia Capacity in LICs; Acute and Chronic Pain Surveys in LICs


Kelly McQueen [Email]
Professor of Anesthesiology and Surgery

Ethiopia, Mozambique


Previous participants: Lucy Unger [Email], Isa Wismann-Horther [Email

Program Type

Research, Training or Education

Funding Type

Grants, Fellowship


Africa, Central and South America

Global Health Topics

Biostatistics, Education/Training/Capacity Building, Epidemiology, Health Systems, Non-Communicable Diseases, Policy, Public Health, Surgery and Anesthesiology


Undergraduate students; Graduate students (non-clinical); Medical students (MD); Nursing students (MSN, DNP); Post-doctoral students, residents, or trainees; Faculty members 

Program Length

1 to 3 months

VU Affiliation

The program is affiliated with Vanderbilt.


The program does not have a language requirement. 


Related Program Links:
VUMC Anesthesiology (Global)

Department of Anesthesiology’s Global Anesthesiology Fellowship