The Latest News from VIGH

NIH Training Grant Enhances PhD and Postdoctoral Training Programs at the University of Zambia

In continuing longstanding training collaborations between the University of Zambia School of Medicine/University Teaching Hospital (UNZA/UTH) and the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH), UNZA/UTH is partnering with VIGH on a renewal of a five-year research training grant from the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to strengthen HIV-

The Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health Student Advisory Council Host Virtual Competition and Symposium

The Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health Student Advisory Council (SAC) is a student-led organization that brings together diverse students interested in global health with the goal of fostering cross-disciplinary student networking and collaboration. Although networking and collaboration often occur in person, this year, council leaders pivoted two key events to be held online. They welcomed a record attendance of Vanderbilt students, staff, faculty, and community members engaged in global health.

Vanderbilt Researchers Receive Award to Establish Research Ethics Education Program in Liberia

In collaboration with the University of Liberia College of Health Sciences (ULCHS), the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH) will develop a one-year research ethics education program for members of four institutional review boards (IRBs) in Monrovia, Liberia.

Mentor Training Program in Zambia Continues to Strengthen Mentorship Among University Faculty

In academia, mentors can provide valuable support and guidance to students in their professional and personal development. However, often mentors do not receive training in theories and practical strategies that could improve their mentorship. Faculty leaders at the University of Zambia (UNZA) are changing this trend to offer training in mentorship theory and effective techniques for faculty in masters and doctoral programs.

Developing Academic Leadership: A Faculty Professional Development Program in Zambia

Current and future faculty leaders at the University of Zambia (UNZA) and Mulungushi University are benefitting from a training program that promotes effective leadership and management in education and healthcare by guiding trainees to strengthen their competencies in effectively leading teams. The Strengthening Health Professional Workforce Education Programs for Improved Quality Health Care in Zambia (SHEPIZ) Leadership and Management Program was developed by faculty and students from UNZA, Mulungushi University, and the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH). Drs.

Training the Trainers in Ethiopia

Effective teaching, mentorship, and leadership skills are essential for faculty success in academic medicine, but these skills are rarely taught in medical school and residency training programs, particularly in low-resource settings. To address this gap among anesthesia educators in Ethiopia, a 13-week course was developed and piloted in a virtual platform from September 2020-January 2021.

NIH Training Grant Enhances Research Administration in Nigeria

In continuing, longstanding research collaborations between the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH) and Bayero University Kano (BUK) in Kano, Nigeria, and the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH), the three institutions are partnering on a new Infrastructure Development Training Program from the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The project will strengthen infrastructure capacity in research administration and research ethics in Nigeria.

Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health faculty, alumna recognized for exemplary teaching, research and leadership

Two Vanderbilt University Medical Center faculty and a 2017 alumna of the Vanderbilt School of Medicine Master of Public Health program have recently been recognized for their global health accomplishments from the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH).

Vanderbilt Researchers Receive Grant to Reinforce Institutional Capacity for the Conduct of Research at University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Mozambique

Working in collaboration with faculty from UEM, the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH) will work to build UEM’s institutional research capacity with support from the NIH Fogarty International Center (FIC).

Carolyn Audet expands HIV research into South Africa

A Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigator is hoping to improve access to HIV testing in South Africa, where more than 7 million people are known to have the virus, by training traditional healers to perform the tests. Carolyn Audet, PhD, assistant professor of Health Policy in the Department of Health Policy and Institute for Global Health, has partnered with Ryan Wagner, PhD, a research fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, to develop a novel HIV testing strategy for individuals living in rural communities.

World Health Week 2021 at VUMC

World Health Week at VUMC  February 22 - 25 (virtual events) Presented by VU School of Medicine Global Health Organization World Health Week is a week dedicated to spreading awareness about global health and features panels and talks given by prominent clinicians involved in global health. This year’s theme is “Global Health and Pediatrics”. Listed below is the schedule; click on the RSVP / Anchor Link event for more details about each speaker.

NIH Grant Bolsters Childhood Status Epilepticus and Epilepsy Research in Nigeria

The Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH) has received a new research grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Fogarty International Center of the NIH to establish a large childhood status epilepticus (SE) cohort in northern Nigeria with key partners Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH) and Bayero University, and with the Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in South Africa.

Preventing occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens among rural South African traditional healers

Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH) and collaborators at the MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt) at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa have received a new research development grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to compare novel implementation strategies to reduce the risk of HIV acquisition among traditional healers in South Africa.

Marie Martin Elected to CUGH Education Committee

The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Subcommittee on Masters and Undergraduate Degrees in Global Health (SMUDGH) has elected Marie Martin, Ph.D., M.Ed., assistant professor of Health Policy and associate director for Education and Training for VIGH to serve a 2-year term on the committee, which focuses on helping universities develop high-quality programs in global health for both undergraduate and graduate students.