Policies & Resources

See below for categories to useful Compliance resources such as tip sheets and policies.

If you can not find what you're looking for or still have questions, please email us at compliance.office@vumc.org


All Compliance Tip Sheets

To browse our library of tip sheets on hot topics, click here

Reporting Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

To view contacts for reporting fraud, waste, & abuse, click here

Non-Monetary Compensation Policy and Guidelines

2023 Evaluation & Management (E/M) Coding Guidelines and Resources

Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)


          Palmetto GBA (Jurisdiction JJ Part A)

          Palmetto GBA (Jurisdiction JJ Part B)


          Wisconsin Physicians Service (Jurisdiction J5 Part A)



Hubbl Tip Sheets

For helpful tip sheets on documentation within eStar, click here

Exclusion Screening Policy and Resources

The Medical Center does not employ, retain, credential, grant privileges to, or contract with individuals or entities that have been excluded from federal government programs.

VUMC's Exclusion Screening Policy

Exclusion Screening FAQs

Exclusion Screening Attestation