Research Publications


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Peer-reviewed articles

McDaniel, J., Krimm, H. & Schuele, C. M. (in press). SLPs’ perceptions of language learning myths about children who are DHH, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education.

Krimm, H., McDaniel, J. & Schuele, C. M. (in press). Conceptions and misconceptions: What do school-based speech-language pathologists think about dyslexia? Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.

Ladanyi, E.  Schuele, C. M. et al. (2023). Using motor tempi to understand rhythm and grammatical skills in developmental language disorder and typical language development. Neurobiology of Language, 4(1), 1-28.

McDaniel, J., Krimm, H., & Schuele, C. M. (2023). Speech-language pathologists’ endorsement of speech, language, and literacy myths reveals persistent research-practice gap. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 54(2), 550-568. PMCID: PMC8740598.

Brimo, D., Schuele, C. M., & Lund, E. (2022). Pilot study of online training modules to improve speech-language pathology students’ explicit syntax knowledge. Reading and Writing, 35(9), 2155–2175. 

Prahl, A., & Schuele, C. M. (2022). A pilot study assessing listening comprehension and reading comprehension in children with own syndrome: Construct validity from a multi-method perspective. Frontiers in Psychology. PMID: 34982954

Teller, L., McDaniel, J., Schuele, C. M., & Brame, C. (2022). The Blended and Online Learning Design Fellow program: Developing teachers-researchers in communication sciences and disorders. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 6(2), 1-21.

Prahl, A., & Schuele, C. M. (2022). Reading and listening comprehension in individuals with Down syndrome and word reading–matched typically developing children. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(1), 359-374. PMID: 34982954

McDaniel, J., Prahl, A. H., & Schuele, C. M. (2022). Rethinking research mentoring: A tutorial on how and why to implement a PhD student–mediated mentorship model. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups, 7(2), 499-511.

Krimm, H., & Schuele, C. M. (2022). Speech-language pathologists’ orthographic knowledge. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 43(3), 206-209.

Weiler, B. & Schuele, C. M. (2021). Tense marking in the kindergarten population: Testing the bimodal distribution hypothesis. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 64(2), 593-612. PMCID: PMC9150687

Morton, I., & Schuele, C. M. (2021). Preschoolers’ imitation of sentential complement sentences: Does the nature of the matrix clause matter? First Language, 41(5), 623-645. 

McDaniel, J. & Schuele, C. M. (2021). When will he talk? An evidence-based tutorial for measuring progress toward use of spoken words in preverbal children with autism spectrum disorder. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(1), 1-18.

Weiler, B. & Schuele, C. M. (2021). Tense marking in the kindergarten population: Testing the bimodal distribution hypothesis. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 64(2), 593-612.

Hessling, A. & Schuele, C. M. (2020). Individualized narrative intervention for school-age children with specific language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in School, 51, 687-705.

Werfel, K., Schuele, C. M., & Reed, P. (2019). Linguistic contributions to word-level spelling accuracy in elementary school children with and without specific language impairment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28, 599-611.

Wisman Weil, L. & Schuele, C. M. (2019). Complex syntax interventions for young children with language impairments. EBP Briefs, 13(5), iii, 1-9.

Krimm, H., Werfel, K., & Schuele, C. M. (2019). Toward understanding the lexical-morphological networks of children with SLI: Analysis of responses on a morphological production task. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 62, 4131-4136.

Weiler, B., Schuele, C. M., Feldman, J., & Krimm, H. (2018). A multi-year population-based study of kindergarten language screening failure rates using the Rice Wexler Test of Grammatical Impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49, 248-259.

Abel, A., Schuele, C. M., Barako Arndt, K. Lee, M. & Blankenship, K. (2017). Another look at the influence of maternal education on preschoolers’ performance on two norm-referenced measures. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 38, 231-241. [no PMID number]

Lund, E. & Schuele, C. M. (2017). Word-learning performance of children with and without cochlear implants given synchronous and asynchronous cues. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 31, 777-790. [PMID: 28521543]

Werfel, K., Hendricks, A., & Schuele, C M. (2017). The potential of past tense marking in oral reading as a clinical marker of SLI in school-age children. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 60, 3561-3672. [PMID: 29222571]

Krimm, H., Schuele, C. M., & Brame, C. (2017). Viability of online learning for ensuring basic skills in speech-language pathology. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (SIG 10), 2 (Part 1), 49-58.

Schuele, C. M. & Young, K. (2017). On the cusp of middle school...with minimal reading and writing skills. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (SIG 1), 2(Part 3), 138-150.

Lund, E., Werfel, K. & Schuele, C. M. (2015). Phonological awareness and vocabulary performance of monolingual and bilingual preschool children with hearing loss. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 31, 85-100. [doi:10.1177/0265659014531261]. [PMID: not available]

Werfel, K., Lund, E. & Schuele, C. M. (2015). Print knowledge of preschool children with hearing loss. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36, 107-111. [doi: 10.1177/1525740114539002]

Lund, E. & Schuele, C. M. (2015). Synchrony of maternal auditory and visual cues about unknown words to children with and without cochlear implants. Ear and Hearing, 36, 229-238 [doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000104] [PMID: 25285961]

Gordon, R., Jacobs, M., & Schuele, C. M. (2015). Perspectives on the rhythm–grammar link and its implications for typical and atypical language development. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337, 16-26 [PMID: 25773612]

Hu, C. F. & Schuele, C. M. (2015). When language experience fails to explain word reading development: Early cognitive and linguistics profiles of young foreign language learners. The Modern Language Journal, 99, 754-770. [no PMID number]

Lund, E., Douglas, M. & Schuele, C. M. (2015). Semantic richness and word learning in children with hearing loss who are developing spoken language: A single case design study. Deafness & Education International, 17, 163-175. [no PMID number]

Abel, A. & Schuele, C. M. (2014). The influence of two cognitive-linguistic variables on incidental word learning in 5-year-olds. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43, 447-463. [doi: 10.1007/s10936-013-9264-4] [PMID: 23979141] 

O’Dell, H., Weiler, B., & Schuele C. M. (2014). Explicit phonemic awareness of adolescents: Skills at baseline and following brief instruction. Young Scientist, 4, 45-48. [PMID: not available]

Lund, E. & Schuele, C. M.  (2014). Effects of a word-learning training on children with cochlear implants. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19, 68-84. [doi: 10.1093/deafed/ent036] [PMID: 23981321] 

Werfel, K. & Schuele, C. M. (2014). Improving initial sound segmentation skills of preschool children with severe to profound hearing loss: An exploratory investigation. Volta Review, 114, 113-134 [PMID: not available]

Korrapati, K., Werfel, K., Barnett, Z., and Schuele, C. M. (2013). Visual Attention to Print in Preschool Children with and without Hearing Loss, Young Scientist: A High School Research Journal.

Weiler, B. (2013). Verb selection and past-tense morphology: Crystal's criteria revisited. Topics in Language Disorders, 33,152-164.

Barako Arndt, K. & Schuele, C. M. (2013). Multiclausal utterances aren't just for big kids: A framework for analysis of complex syntax production in spoken language of preschool- and early school-age children. Topics in Language Disorders, 33, 125-139.

Barako Arndt, K. & Schuele, C. M. (2012). Production of infinitival complements by children with specific language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics.

Schuele, C. M. (2013). Beyond fourteen grammatical morphemes: Toward a broader view of grammatical development. Topics in Language Disorders, 33, 118-124.

Spencer, E. & Schuele, C. M. (2012). A preliminary examination of fast mapping skills in 
preschool children from families of low socioeconomic status. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 26, 845-852.

Werfel, K. & Schuele, C. M. (2012). Segmentation and Representation of Consonant Blends in Kindergarten Children's Spellings. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 292-307. 

Spencer, E., Schuele, C. M., Guillot, K. & Lee, M. (2011). Phonemic awareness skill of undergraduate and graduate students relative to speech-language pathologists and other educators. Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders.

Dunn, M., Rodriguez, E., Miller, K., Gerhardt, C., Vannatta, K., Saylor, M., Schuele, C. M., & Compas, B. (2011). Assessment of mother-child communication in pediatric cancer: Direct observation of verbal and non-verbal behavior and emotion. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 36, 5.

Simon, C. G., Werfel, K. L., & Schuele, C. M. (2011). Vowel representation in the spelling of kindergarten children. Young Scientist, 1, 29-31.

van Kleeck, A. & Schuele, C. M. (2010). Historical perspectives on literacy in early childhood. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 19, 341-355.

Schuele, C. M., Justice, L., Cabell, S., Knighton, K., Kingery, B., & Lee, M. (2008). Field-based evaluation of two-tiered instruction for enhancing kindergarten phonological awareness. Early Education and Development, 19, 726-752.

Spencer, E., Schuele, C. M., Guillot, K., & Lee, M. (2008). Phonemic awareness skill of speech-language pathologists and other educators. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 39, 512-520.

Schuele, C. M. & Boudreau, D. (2008). Phonological awareness intervention: Beyond the basics. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 39, 3-20.

Hu, C. F. & Schuele, C. M. (2005). Learning nonnative names: The effect of poor native phonological awareness. Applied Psycholinguistics, 26, 343-362.

Schuele, C. M. & Dykes, J. (2005). A longitudinal study of complex syntax development in a child with specific language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 19, 295-318.

Schuele, C. M., Haskill, A., & Rispoli, M. (2005). What’s /ðer/? An investigation of pronoun errors in a child with SLI from age 3 to 7. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 19, 89-107.

Schuele, C. M. (2004) The impact of developmental speech and language impairments on the acquisition of literacy skills. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 10, 176-183.

Schuele, C. M. (2001). Socioeconomic influences on children’s language acquisition. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 24,  77-88.

Schuele, C.M. & Tolbert, L. (2001). Omissions of obligatory relative markers in children with specific language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 15, 257-274.

Schuele, C. M. & Nicholls, L. (2000). Relative clauses: Evidence of continued linguistic vulnerability in children with specific language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 14, 563-585.

Schuele, C. M. & Hadley, P. (1999). Potential advantages of introducing specific language impairment to families. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 8(1), 11-22

Hadley, P. & Schuele, C. M. (1998). Facilitating peer interaction: Socially-relevant objectives for language intervention. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 7(4), 25-36.

Schuele, C. M., Rice, M. L., & Wilcox, K. A. (1995). Redirects: A strategy to increase peer initiations. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 38, 1319-1333.

Fitzgerald, J., Roberts, J., Pierce, P., & Schuele, C. M. (1995). Evaluation of home literacy environment: An illustration with preschool children with Down syndrome. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 11, 311-334.

Schuele, C. M. (1994). Emergent literacy: A necessary component of early intervention practices of speech-language pathologists. Tejas: Texas Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology, 20(1), 2-7.

Schuele, C. M., Roberts, J. E., Fitzgerald, J., & Moore, P. (1993). Assessing emergent literacy skills in preschool classrooms.  Day Care and Early Education, 21(2), 13-21.

Fitzgerald, J., Schuele, C. M., & Roberts, J. (1992). Emergent literacy: What is it and what does the teacher of learning disabled children need to know about it? Reading and Writing Quarterly, 8, 71-85.

Roberts, J. E., & Schuele, C. M. (1990). Otitis media and later academic performance. Topics in Language Disorders, 11(1), 43-62. Reprinted in Hearing impairment and language disorders: Assessment and intervention (1993). Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishing Co.

van Kleeck, A., & Schuele, C. M. (1987). Precursors to literacy: Normal development. Topics in Language Disorders, 7(2), 13-31.

Schuele, C. M., & van Kleeck, A. (1987). Precursors to literacy: Assessment and intervention. Topics in Language Disorders, 7(2), 32-44.


Books, book chapters, invited review articles 

Schuele, C. M. (in press). Hybrid and online learning. In S. Ginsberg, C. Visconti, & J. Friberg (Eds)., Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders: Past, Present, and Future.

Justice, L. M., Gillon, G., & McNeill, B. & Schuele, C. M. (2013). Phonological awareness: Description, assessment, and intervention. In J. Bernthal, N. Bankson, & P. Flipsen (Eds.), Articulation and phonological disorders: Speech sound disorders in children (7th ed., pp. 355-383). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Bottema-Beutel, K., Yoder, P., & Woynaroski, T., & Sandbank, M. (submitted). Targeted interventions for social communication symptoms in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. In F.R. Volkmar, R. Paul, A. Klin (Editor), & D.J. Cohen (Eds.) Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (4th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Woynaroski, T., Fey, M., Warren, S., & Yoder, P. (submitted). Prelinguistic communication intervention research: a focus on treatment intensity. In M. Romski & R. Sevcik (Eds.), Examining the science and practice of communication interventions for individuals with severe disabilities. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

Schuele, C.M. & Murphy, N.D. (2014). Intensive Phonological Awareness Program. Baltimore: Brookes.

Lund, E. (2013). The role of the speech-language pathologist in the assessment of pediatric cochlear implant candidacy. In R. Gifford (Ed.), Cochlear implant patient assessment: from candidacy to postoperative performance and outcomes. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

Lund, E. (2013). The role of the speech-language pathologist and teacher of the deaf in the post-operative assessment of children. In R. Gifford (Ed.), Cochlear implant patient assessment: from candidacy to postoperative performance and outcomes. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

Justice, L. M., Gillon, G., & Schuele, C. M. (2009). Phonological awareness: Description, assessment, and intervention. In J. Bernthal, N. Bankson, & P. Flipson (Eds.), Articulation and phonological disorders: Speech sound disorders in children (6th ed., pp. 357-383). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Schuele, C. M., Spencer, E., Barako Arndt, K. & Guillot, K. (2007). Literacy and children with specific language impairment. Seminars in Speech and Language, 28(1), 35-47.

Schuele, C. M., Skibbe, L. & Rao, P. (2007). Assessing phonological awareness. In K. Pence (Ed.), Assessment in Emergent Literacy (pp. 275-325). San Diego: Plural Publishing.

Larrivee, L. & Schuele, C. M. (2005). Literacy acquisition in children with preschool speech and language impairments. Frequences, 17(3), 31-37.

Schuele, C. M. & Justice, L. (2006). The importance of effect sizes in the interpretation of research. ASHA Leader, 11(10), p. 14-15, 26-27.

Schuele, C. M., & Larrivee, L. (2004). What's my job? Differential diagnosis of the speech-language pathologist's role in literacy learning. Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, 11(3), 4-7.

Justice, L. & Schuele, C. M. (2004). Phonological awareness: Description, assessment, and intervention. In J. Bernthal & N. Bankson (Eds.), Articulation and phonological disorders (5th ed., pp. 376-405). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Hadley, P. A. & Schuele, C. M. (1995). Come buddy, help, help me!: Verbal interactions with peers in a preschool language intervention classroom. In M. L. Rice & K. A. Wilcox (Eds.), Building a language-focused curriculum for the preschool classroom (Vol. 1): A foundation for lifelong communication (pp. 105-125). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

Rice, M. L. & Schuele, C. M. (1995). Speech and language impairments. In E. Meyen & T. Skrtic (Eds.), Special education and student disability (4th ed., pp. 339-374). Denver, CO: Love Publishing.
