VUMC Annual Requirements for Staff

Updated October, 2023

You may need other training that is not listed here, and you must complete requirements before your annual performance review.  All safety training must be completed before beginning work where exposure to hazards and/or injury to staff or patients could occur.  Ask your supervisor if you are not sure which requirements you need to complete.  Online training is provided through the VUMC Learning Exchange, unless otherwise indicated.

If you need help with the Learning Exchange, send a message to If you have questions about safety training, send a message to

Required For Topic When Required How Provided
All Staff Conflict of Interest VUMC Initial and annual Conflicts Disclosure System
Refer to the Compliance Portal for initial and annual training assignments required for all VUMC staff. Initial and annual training Initial training is included in the assignments made to VUMC new staff in online orientation training assignments. Both initial and annual training are provided online in the Learning Exchange.
Staff with Patient or Blood & Body Fluid Contact and staff who work in clinical and clinical support areas Bloodborne Pathogens and  Infection Prevention Initial and annual training Initial Training for these topics is included in the assignments made to VUMC new staff in online orientation training assignments.  Staff must complete this training prior to beginning work in clinical areas. Initial and annual training provided online in the Learning Exchange.
Staff who handle hazardous waste (blood, body fluids, drugs, etc.) VUMC Clinical Waste Management 
VUMC Clinical Waste Management Off-Campus  (for staff who do not work on the main VUMC campus)
Initial training only Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title you need.
Staff who Provide Direct Patient Care Health Care Worker Fatigue and Patient Safety Initial training only Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who are exposed endemic airborne diseases or work with hazardous drugs Annual N-95 Respirator Fit-Testing & Training or Annual PAPR Training Initial and annual fit-test Dates and times that fit-testing is available are listed on the OCRS N-95 Respirator Fit-testing program page. PAPR training information is available here.
Staff who provide Point of Care Testing Point of Care Proficiency Testing Initial and annual training Provided by the Point of Care Testing department
Staff who provide Clinical Emergency Response RRT, Mock Code, Advanced Airway, Defibrillation every two years Vanderbilt Resuscitation Program
Staff who work in in-patient units, ambulatory surgical centers and/or clinics where there are medical gas zone valve or alarm panels Medical Gas Safety & Emergency Response for System Failures Initial training only Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who care for patients who receive Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans, transport patients to an MRI scanner, order MRI scans, or who work near MRI machines Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Safety 
Both training and the online MRI Screening Questionnaire must be completed annually.
Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who perform high level disinfection with Cidex OPA High Level Disinfection (Cidex OPA) Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who perform high level disinfection with Revital-Ox RESERT High Level Disinfection (Revital-Ox RESERT) Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who perform or assist with clinical procedures that use lasers Laser Safety in Clinical Settings Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who work with cryogenic liquids used for cold storage Cryogen Safety Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who use, purchase, inventory or provide maintenance on powered Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Management & Safety Initial training only Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who use and/or help maintain the Pneumatic Tube System on the main VUMC campus Pneumatic Tube System Safety Initial training only Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who move, lift, transfer, reposition or transport patients Safe Patient Handling Program  Initial training only Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who are present in the room while an x-ray machine is on, and
Staff who operate x-ray machines
Clinical X-Ray Safety Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who operate fluoroscopic x-ray machines Radiation Safety During Fluoroscopy Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title. Notice: Clinical X-Ray Safety (for operators) is a prerequisite for this course.
Staff who provide care to patients undergoing treatment with radioactive material Caring for Radioactive Therapy Patients Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Nuclear Medicine Technologists, Radiopharmacists and/or Lab personnel who work with radioactive material. Annual Radioactive Material Safety Training Initial and annual training Initial training requirements are described here . Annual training is provided online. To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who operate the LINAC accelerators in Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Annual Accelerator Operator Safety Review for Therapists Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff at Vanderbilt affiliated off-site clinics who will need to prepare hazardous waste for shipment or sign a waste manifest. Preparing Waste for Shippers of Regulated Medical & Pharmaceutical Waste initial and subsequently once every three years Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course title.
Staff who work in clinical, research or teaching laboratories  Laboratory Safety Curricula included courses:
  • Chemical & Physical Safety in the Lab
  • Chemical Waste Training for Labs
  • Working Safely with Human Materials in the Lab
  • Laboratory Ergonomics
Notice:  The Laboratory Safety Curricula is the minimum annual training requirement for VUMC lab personnel.  Refer to Lab Safety Training requirements  to determine if you need to complete additional training for other hazards present in your lab, such as radioactive material, biological hazards or lasers.
Initial and annual training Online.  To enroll, login to the VUMC Learning Exchange and search for the course titles.