Jordan Hollinshead DNAP, CRNA

Jordan Hollinshead headshotMy name is Jordan Hollinshead. I am a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) in the cardiac anesthesia department at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

As a CRNA in the cardiac anesthesia department, I provide anesthesia to patients undergoing open heart surgery, electrophysiology procedures, and cath lab procedures. These patients are typically very high acuity. Taking care of these patients is often a challenge and keeps me on my toes.

 One of my favorite procedures to provide anesthesia for are the transplants. Many of these patients are waiting a very long time for their organ. It is very exciting for the patient and family when they get chosen. I love to celebrate with these patients on the way down to the operating room. It is so rewarding knowing that these patients will wake up with a new healthy organ. 

Outside of the operating room, I am very involved in my profession. At a VUMC level, I am honored to serve as a LEAP mentor for this upcoming cohort. I went through the LEAP program last year and was appreciative of the lessons taught throughout the year. On the state level, I am the District III Director for the Tennessee Association of Nurse Anesthetists. I am also the Co-coordinator for the student mentorship program. I participated in this program, while I was a Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists and found it to be invaluable. Everyone needs mentorship transitioning from student to professional. I hope to mentor as many students as possible and show them the importance of staying involved in their profession. On a national level I am on the Government Relations Committee of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology. The Government Relations Committee assists CRNAs in advocating for their profession on a legislative level. Every profession is regulated by the government in some way. You should have a say in how that is regulated. Don’t stand by and let someone else pass bills that affect your profession. Get involved and make your voice heard! Remember you put in time, sweat, and tears to get where you are! Be Proud! Get involved!

On a personal level, I am a Nashville Native. I have one fur child, a Springer Doodle named Barbara. You can find me at the CrossFit gym during the week before work. In my free time I love to play golf and pickleball. Our department has put together a pretty sizeable pickleball group that typically play on Sundays. Reach out if you want to play!