Team Communication Expectations

To provide the best, most up-to-date, and thorough care to our patients, several different teams are involved. This may include Neurology, Neurosurgery, Critical Care, consult services (for example: Epileptology; Palliative care; Cardiology; Nephrology; etc.), nursing, and therapy teams (Respiratory, Occupational, Physical, and Speech). Each team will often consist of several members caring for the patients and interacting with patients and families. Thus, it may appear as though a small village is caring for you or your loved one!

The nature of neurologic critical illness often leads to acute changes in plans and care, potentially over only a few minutes. Given the different roles, perspectives, and timing of teams’ interactions with patients and families, this may feel overwhelming. Each team will do its best to communicate its involvement in the care of the patient and the current plan for that involvement. Rest assured that all teams are in constant communication regarding the care we provide, ensuring a united overarching plan to best care for each patient. These plans will frequently be adapted based on new findings such as lab results, imaging, or clinical exams to provide the highest level care possible. 

Please ask any and all teams any questions you may have. If they are unable to answer your specific question with the most up-to-date information, they will find the appropriate team that can. And as a reminder, the nursing staff and critical care teams are always present in the ICU to assist you whenever needed.

