Teleneurology services continue to grow, provide value for community hospital partners

Teleneurology services at Vanderbilt University Medical Center continue to grow. Our team of 15 neurologists now serves 10 hospitals throughout southern Kentucky and Tennessee.

Since its inception, this service has provided more than 6,300 consultations. The results have been outstanding. Patient satisfaction is remarkably high, with 96% of patients reporting confidence in the teleneurologist's care and 92% reporting that the telehealth visit met their medical needs. We also get positive feedback from the physicians we serve in community hospitals, with 94% reporting overall satisfaction with the service. 

We operate this service via tablets. Using HIPAA-compliant technology, community hospitals are able to adopt the service with low up-front and administrative costs related to technology.

Teleneurology has proven incredibly valuable for our community hospital partners. The goal of the service is to elevate the level of specialty care in community settings, so patients can receive optimal care close to their home and family, and in the most cost-efficient environment. Over the past five years, data supports the tremendous success of this program, with 86% of patients having their care provided in the community hospital and only 14% of patients requiring transfer to higher-level care. 

Vanderbilt University Medical Center's teleneurology is just one example of the benefits of the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network. Teleneurology raises the quality of specialty care in community hospitals, providing the best possible care to patients close to where they live and work. We aim to expand services such as teleneurology across the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network, to improve population health throughout our region.

For more information about telehealth services at Vanderbilt, please visit