Vanderbilt Patients

Vanderbilt patients,

help us fill a crucial "GAP" in our knowledge of appendix cancer:

You are ELIGIBLE to join the Genetics of Appendix Cancer (GAP) Study at Vanderbilt if you have been diagnosed with appendix cancer, are at least 18 years of age, and are a patient at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC).


If you choose to participate in GAP, you will be asked to:

  • Provide a small blood sample, which will be drawn from a vein in your arm by a trained phlebotomist or research nurse
  • Answer a brief questionnaire about your appendix cancer diagnosis/health history and share a quick update on your health every other year
  • Allow us to study some of the tissue that a surgeon already removed, such as during your appendectomy
  • Give the GAP Study team permission to access medical records about your appendix cancer diagnosis/treatment
  • [Optional] Share contact information for your biological parent(s) to request a small saliva sample


To join the GAP Study at Vanderbilt or for more information, please reach out to our team:


Alternative contact information: and (615) 936-8544


GAP Study volunteers and families are vital to advancing our knowledge about appendix cancer genetics and to learn how changes in our genes contribute to appendix cancer development.