Isoprostane Sample Collection Procedures

Matrix Information

Isoprostanes can be measured in urine, plasma, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), human or animal tissues, amniotic fluid, or cultured cells/cell media.

Please Note: Isoprostanes cannot be reliably quantified in serum as they can be generated ex vivo during the clotting process used to yield serum.

Sample Collection and Storage

All samples, regardless of matrix, should be frozen immediately after collection at -80oC and not thawed until analysis in the Eicosanoid Core Laboratory.

Urine:  Either 24-hour or spot urine collection is suitable.  Sample should be collected, placed on ice, and frozen at -80oC as soon as possible.  No additives are necessary.  1mL of urine is necessary for analysis.

Plasma: Blood should be collected in EDTA (lavender capped) tubes and placed immediately on ice.  Samples should be spun to yield plasma using standard procedures as soon as possible.  Plasma should then be transferred to a cryovial and frozen immediately at -80oC.  It is imperative that plasma is not thawed until analysis in the Eicosanoid Core Laboratory as F2-IsoPs can be generated in plasma ex vivo, even at temperatures of -20oC.  A minimum of 1mL plasma is required for analysis.

Tissues: Tissue samples should be snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately upon collection and stored at -80oC until analysis in the Eicosanoid Core Laboratory.  For best results, 100mg of tissue is required.

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