About us:

The Division of Vestibular Sciences consists of academic, clinical, and research in the area of dizziness and balance disorders. The Balance Disorders Clinic is a diagnostic clinic where specially-trained audiologists conduct tests, the results of which help physicians determine the cause of dizziness, disequilibrium and vertigo.  Together with physical therapists at the Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute, the Balance Disorders Lab also conducts assessments of patients who may be at risk for falling.  Through this assessment, these specialists can determine what factors place a patient most at risk for falls and make recommendations to the referring physician for reducing that risk. Our goal is to help keep independent seniors independent.

Additionally, we also train students enrolled in Vanderbilt's Doctor of Audiology (AuD) program as well as conduct research to improve assessment and management of inner ear related balance disorders. We work to determine the specificity and accuracy of current tests that are widely available, as well as collect data to support the use of newer vestibular test techniques and equipment.