Resource Articles

MMR Vaccine

Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine provides excellent protection against these 3 diseases. All VUMC faculty/staff must provide proof of immunization or immunity against rubella, and those born on or after 1/1/1957 must provide proof of immunization or immunity against measles and mumps also. MMR vaccines are provided at no charge to employees when needed to meet VUMC immunization compliance requirements. People with a medical reason for why they cannot take the vaccine can receive a medical deferral from OHC as appropriate. Vaccines are available at multiple locations:

Working with Radioactive Iodine

When patients are treated with radioactive iodine, their blood and body fluids such as urine and vomit can contain the radioactive drug. Caregivers should understand the risks of exposure. There are two different types of radiation risks: Thyroid exposure: Having the radioactive iodine absorbed by your thyroid gland. External beam radiation: Getting radiation exposure from the contaminated body fluids, just like you would from an X-ray. Preventing thyroid exposure